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"Coping With Grief - Your Companion to Child Loss Grief" FREE E-Book. 
To all my grieving mothers 🦋


Are you navigating the depths of grief after losing a child?


Download my free e-book here
To all my grieving mothers 🦋


Are you navigating the depths of grief after losing a child?


Download my free e-book


Are you navigating the depths of grief after losing a child? Struggling to find purpose and joy amidst the overwhelming waves of sorrow? 


I've been there, feeling like I was barely keeping my head above water for years. The constant battle to suppress and manage my pain nearly consumed me until I discovered how to cope with child loss grief. 


Are you navigating the depths of grief after losing a child? Struggling to find purpose and joy amidst the overwhelming waves of sorrow? 


I've been there, feeling like I was barely keeping my head above water for years. The constant battle to suppress and manage my pain nearly consumed me until I discovered how to cope with child loss grief. 

When I was navigating my child loss grief,


There were limited to no resources that gave me any sort of awareness or tools to navigate the depths of my grief. I had seen psychologists, but it didn't resonate with my experience or what I was truly feeling. I felt alone in my pain, longing for something that would comfort me and guide me through what I was experiencing from someone who had gone through the same pain.


This became my WHY...


To give the grieving mother a companion on her journey and not only feel seen and heard but also give her the tools to navigate through her grief with strength.

In this Workbook, I teach from my own journey of integrating grief in a way that honours both yourself and your precious child. I have included so many practices and tools that I only wished someone had gifted me at the start of my journey. Having a guide like this would have propelled me into my healing journey rather than navigating the depths of grief alone with no guidance.


Download my free e-book here


When I was navigating my child loss grief,


There were limited to no resources that gave me any sort of awareness or tools to navigate the depths of my grief. I had seen psychologists, but it didn't resonate with my experience or what I was truly feeling. I felt alone in my pain, longing for something that would comfort me and guide me through what I was experiencing from someone who had gone through the same pain.


This became my WHY...


To give the grieving mother a companion on her journey and not only feel seen and heard but also give her the tools to navigate through her grief with strength.

In this Workbook, I teach from my own journey of integrating grief in a way that honours both yourself and your precious child. I have included so many practices and tools that I only wished someone had gifted me at the start of my journey. Having a guide like this would have propelled me into my healing journey rather than navigating the depths of grief alone with no guidance.


Download my free e-book

From one loss mother to another, learn how I processed my grief in

"Coping With Grief - Your Companion to Child Loss Grief" E-Book. 

This value-packed Workbook is for ANY grieving mother at any stage of her child loss journey who wants to learn the tools that changed my grief experience!

Download my free e-book here



This is for you if:


🦋 You feel like your crushing under the weight of grief, but wanting to find a way forward while still honouring your child's memory?


🦋 Your stuck in a loop of grief, your current patterns leaving you drained and unable to see a future


🦋 You are yearning to express your grief authentically, but unsure how to navigate the overwhelming emotions

🦋You feel guilty and lost after your child's passing, unsure how to move forward with meaning as a mother


🦋 You are dreading the future and struggling to find even a flicker of hope after your profound loss

Download my free e-book



This is for you if:


🦋 You feel like your crushing under the weight of grief, but wanting to find a way forward while still honouring your child's memory?


🦋 Your stuck in a loop of grief, your current patterns leaving you drained and unable to see a future


🦋 You are yearning to express your grief authentically, but unsure how to navigate the overwhelming emotions

🦋You feel guilty and lost after your child's passing, unsure how to move forward with meaning as a mother


🦋 You are dreading the future and struggling to find even a flicker of hope after your profound loss


Download my free e-book here



How would it feel to:


💫 Wake up in the morning with a gentle ache in your heart, a reminder of your love for your child, but not a crushing weight that steals your breath.

💫 Engaging in activities that bring you joy, laughter bubbling up freely without guilt or fear of betraying your child's memory.

💫 Connect with loved ones feeling present, sharing stories and memories of your child with a smile and a tear, both existing in harmony.

💫 Looking towards the future with a flicker of hope, not as a replacement for your child, but as a continuation of the love you carry within you.

💫 Imagine feeling empowered, not by the absence of grief, but by the strength you've found to navigate it, to honour your child's memory, and to create a life filled with meaning despite the loss.


After implementing the strategies outlined in this manual, I've reached a point where my grief no longer dominates every aspect of my existence. I've discovered how to find moments of joy and peace amid the challenges of navigating child loss.


Download my free e-book here



How would it feel to:


💫 Wake up in the morning with a gentle ache in your heart, a reminder of your love for your child, but not a crushing weight that steals your breath.

💫 Engaging in activities that bring you joy, laughter bubbling up freely without guilt or fear of betraying your child's memory.

💫 Connect with loved ones feeling present, sharing stories and memories of your child with a smile and a tear, both existing in harmony.

💫 Looking towards the future with a flicker of hope, not as a replacement for your child, but as a continuation of the love you carry within you.

💫 Imagine feeling empowered, not by the absence of grief, but by the strength you've found to navigate it, to honour your child's memory, and to create a life filled with meaning despite the loss.


After implementing the strategies outlined in this manual, I've reached a point where my grief no longer dominates every aspect of my existence. I've discovered how to find moments of joy and peace amid the challenges of navigating child loss.


Download my free e-book


I've been on my grief journey for three years, and I want to share what I've learned with you to help you heal and live a life where grief no longer dominates.


Download My FREE E-Book Here


I've been on my grief journey for three years, and I want to share what I've learned with you to help you heal and live a life where grief no longer dominates.


Download my free e-book here

Who is That Grieving Girl?


Hi I’m Majella Walker, a fellow bereaved mother who lost my daughter 3 years ago. After navigating what was a traumatic pregnancy and emergency C section we sadly lost our daughter after spending three and a half weeks with her in the NICU. What came after that day was the journey to navigating life as a loss mum.


What I realised after such devastation was that I had found my purpose, I wanted to use my daughters death as a way to propel me into helping women all over the world heal after child loss. To empower them to become the strongest, most resilient versions of them after suffering child loss.


Who is That Grieving Girl?


Hi I’m Majella Walker, a fellow bereaved mother who lost my daughter 3 years ago. After navigating what was a traumatic pregnancy and emergency C section we sadly lost our daughter after spending three and a half weeks with her in the NICU. What came after that day was the journey to navigating life as a loss mum.


What I realised after such devastation was that I had found my purpose, I wanted to use my daughters death as a way to propel me into helping women all over the world heal after child loss. To empower them to become the strongest, most resilient versions of them after suffering child loss.